Tuesday, June 23, 2009


OK well I must confess a fault I have: I can have a horrible temper.. No Im not the type of person who will explode, blow up, or flip out on someone (most of the time). My temper is subdued a bit, but I tend to tell people off. Silent treatment isn't how I roll. So at work today I got a bit pissed off because someone told my aide something about what was going on before they came to me and told me. It was quite petty actually, but, I guess I was moreso frustrated with something else and just got a bit more irked in this situation..But anyhow- as a Catholic I find it hard sometimes to justify being angry and expressing it. I think that Catholics are taught to always be patient, obedient, docile, etc. So when I do get angry and tell someone off I feel bad- because I feel like it is completly unCatholic.. But then I think of the time Jesus flipped the tables over and started freaking out on the people in the temple selling stuff--see even Jesus had a bit of a temper too! Right?? Well when is freaking out just?? I guess not in a situation where pride is involved...lives are at stake(I guess war would be the ultimate "flip out," but sometimes could be just), or the reasoning is just plain dumb. Well, I guess thats my thought for the day..And I decided it would be worthy of a blog post.

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