Thursday, April 29, 2010


Its been a while. I tried switching to "vlogs" for a bit but sometimes its easier saying what you need to say via writing. Well. As my title says, im frustrated. This blog is going to be a little pity party but maybe some folks can offer me some tips (don't know if anyone even reads this!). All I can say is my primary frustration is school. Its my last semester of undergrad as an occupational therapy major and there are a number of reasons I'm frustrated. The first reason is all the group work. I realize we'll be working on teams and groups out in the field but for real...Group stuff isnt going to be this insane! I think they need to cool it on giving us so many group projects cuz its just nuts. Second, theres just an individual right now that i have to deal with who is driving me nuts. Im so stressed right now.