Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Well this is gonna be a short post because it has been one of those days where by about 5 pm I am feeling like in 70 and need to go to bed. I think its more of a caffeine crash, I didn't fit my 4 o'clock coffee break in there today, but thats OK. Well, I've been thinking lately about humility, etc etc..I actually wrote a little bit about it in my faith journey journal and was gonna post it on the blog, but, as I mentioned before I'm to tired to write a novel tonight. So I'm going to say I've been thinking of humility, and of course pride is one of those seven deadly sins..But I've been wondering, where does sin begin?? Does it begin with temptation?? No, because temptation is the pre-thought type thing to sin..Its like Eve with the "I want that apple but God said don't touch it.." And then she touches it, theres step one..She eats it...Theres step two...And BAM! She is cursed with wearing ugly figs and painful childbirth and what not for the rest of her life-and she cursed all of women with the same thing! Love you too Eve :) Well, ok, Im beginning to digress-awful habit of mine..Well, anyways, I think sin starts when we begin to view ourselves as God. Now this doesn't necessarily happen in an overt way, you know, one day we wake up and say "I'm God and I'll do whatever I want!!" Nope, it happens in small ways..We're given all these devices these days that make us feel in control of our lives--cell phones, pda's, gps', iphones, and the American vote..All of which are good things..But they are definetly things that can lead us to sin because they give us that sense of control in our lives. And its a false sense of control..Well ok im not so sure where I'm going with this but I'm just going to type anyways. OK well I am just saying that sin begins when we think that this false sense of control is making out lives run smoothly-and it doesn't necessarily have to come from the devices I mentioned before..With the apple, or whatever it was, Eve felt almost like a god--she was touching that forbidden thing, she was going to that place where she really wasn't supposed to be going in life.. And she ended up losing it in the end (not in a literal know--losing that perfection, etc etc)..OK well this is starting to turn into a novel and I will write more later :)

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